
Monday, 28 June 2021

Ko Wai Ahau


What We Share

We were learning about what to share online.

I found this learning hard because I needed to search on the blog and it was hard to find the information.

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Creating with Code

 We used the Scratch Jr app on ipads to create. 

This was fun to do as I enjoyed the Scratch Jr learning.

Here is how I recorded the Scratch Jr project on my iPad. I used the built-in record function on the control panel and turned on the audio recording.

The recording went to my photos and then I airdropped to my Macbook or I could upload to Drive to use later.

Monday, 21 June 2021

Quality is Cool | Te Kounga o te pōhi rangitaki

 We are learning about what makes a quality blog post.

I found this fun to look at other people's blog posts. Some parts of this were hard and it might be an opinion.

Next, I need to look at my blog post!